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Binance Liquid Swap Quiz / 바이낸스 리퀴드 스왑 퀴즈와 답 본문
지난번에 소개해 드렸던, Binance거래소의 Liquid Swap 서비스를 통해서 어떻게 고수익 수수료를 받을 수 있는지 구매 방법에 대해서 소개해 드린적이 있습니다. 그런데, 이 서비스에 진입을 하기 위해서는 퀴즈를 풀어야 하는데, 내용을 이해 하고 보면, 큰 난이도가 있지는 않으나, 급하게 하려다 보면, 영어 질문에 당황을 하게 됩니다. 물론 한글버전으로 접금을 하거나, 구글번역기를 통해서 읽을 수도 있기는 하지만, 마음이 급하신분들을 위해, 퀴즈의 문제와 답을 공유 하게 되었습니다. 언젠가 바이낸스 측에서 내리라고 하면, 정답을 없어질 수도 있습니다.
Liquid Swap Tutorial & Quiz (문제)
Liquid Swap Tutorial & Quiz
1. "Liquid Swap" is a product developed on which of the following design principles:
AMM (Automatic Market Maker)
Order Book
2. Is "Liquid Swap" a guaranteed investment?
Yes, the investments are guaranteed.
No, a loss may incur.
3. When you provide liquidity, which of the following views is incorrect:
Any token can be added
Dual tokens can be added
A single token can be added, the system will swap the token you added into the other token based on the current share composition ratio in the pool. Trading fees will incur during the transaction, and large transactions may also cause higher slippage and loss.
4. In the current BUSD / DAI pool, the pool price is 1 BUSD:1 DAI. If you trade 10,000 BUSD into DAI, the system prompts you that there will be a 3% slippage in this transaction. If the transaction is successful, you will lose due to slippage:
No loss
≈ 100 USD
≈ 300 USD
≈ 500 USD
5. When you add 100 BUSD to a BUSD / DAI liquidity pool (the current pool ratio is 4:6 / BUSD:DAI), what tokens will you hold (if transaction fee and slippage are not considered):
a. 100 BUSD
b. 100 DAI
c. A share portfolio, including 40 BUSD + 60 DAI, and the share portfolio will change in real-time.
6. When you redeem your tokens back, which of the following views is incorrect:
a. You can get the same amount of tokens you added.
b. You can choose to redeem dual tokens. The system will allocate 2 tokens to your spot account based on your pool shares and share composition.
C. You can choose to redeem a single token. The system will swap one token of your share into the other based on the pool share and the share composition ratio. There will be a trading fee during the transaction, and large transactions may cause a higher slippage and incur loss.
7. Which of the following may cause transaction fees:
To trade in [Liquid Swap]-->[Swap]
On [Liquid Swap]-->[Liquidity], choose to add a single token.
On [Liquid Swap]-->[Liquidity], choose one single token to redeem.
All of the above.
8. In "Liquid Swap" for providing liquidity, there are several situations that may cause losses:
From the time of adding to redemption, the relative prices of the two tokens in the pool have changed significantly, causing impermanent loss.
When a large amount of a single token is added or redeemed, the value of the share will be affected and lost due to excessive slippage.
Frequently adding or redeeming single tokens incurs more transaction fees.
All of the above.
9. “Liquid Swap” is NOT a guaranteed investment, after providing the liquidity, the maximum loss you may incur is:
No loss.
Less than 10%
Less than 30%
More than 50%
10. Regarding the number of shares, the share value, cost per share, and unrealized profit and loss, which of the following is incorrect:
Unrealized profit and loss = Value of share - (Cost per share*the number of shares)
Total Share Cost = the number of shares*cost per share
Current value per share = total pool value / total number of issued shares
The number of shares changes in real-time, but the value of shares remains constant.
1. AMM (Automatic Market Maker)
2. No, a loss may incur.
3. Any token can be added
4. 300 USD
5. c. A share portfolio, including 40 BUSD + 60 DAI, and the share portfolio will change in real-time.
6. a. You can get the same amount of tokens you added.
7. All of the above.
8. All of the above.
9. More than 50%
10. The number of shares changes in real-time, but the value of shares remains constant.
단순이 답을 넣어서 Pass 하려 하시지 마시고, 주욱 읽어 보시고, Liquid Swap 서비스의 위험성에 대해서 인지 하셔야 합니다. 시장이 호황일때는 문제가 발생하지가 않지만, 시장에 문제가 발생하게 되면, 손실이 발생할 수 있는 서비스 입니다.
코인시장도 금융서비스입니다. 항상 손실에 주의 하세요.
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